Thursday, April 29, 2010

'It could have been worse:' break-in victim'

'It could have been worse:' break-in victim'

Col. Russell Williams facing 82 new charges including break and enter, theft
Posted By W. BRICE MCVICAR The Intelligencer
April 29th, 2010

TWEED — It could have been worse.

That's how one woman whose home was allegedly broken into by Col. Russell Williams summed up the crime. The woman, who asked that she not be identified, said she was relieved to learn her break and enter — as well as 81 others in the Belleville, Tweed and Ottawa areas — are being linked to the former CFB Trenton base commander. Police announced Thursday Williams is facing 82 new charges including break and enter and theft, break and enter with intent to commit an indictable offence and attempted break and enter.

Considering Williams is also facing two first degree murder charges in relation to the deaths of Jessica Lloyd and Marie France Comeau, the woman said she knows she is lucky there was only a break-in at her home.

"I guess I feel a little bit better knowing it was him and they've got him," the woman said. "It could have been worse, obviously."

While other alleged victims in the Tweed area opted not to discuss the break and enters to their homes, residents along Cosy Cove Lane expressed disbelief when they learned six of the new charges against Williams involve homes along their dead-end street. Williams and his wife had a summer cottage on Cosy Cove Lane and Williams lived alone there through the week while working at CFB Trenton.

Bill Page has resided on the short street for 17 years and would speak with Williams whenever he saw him. He said the initial arrest of Williams earlier this year, coupled with the new charges, has shocked the small community.

"People don't even lock their doors here," he said. "It's pretty shocking. It's going to take awhile for all of us to get over this and now, with these new charges, I think it'll take even longer."

However, Page said he knew police were continuing to investigate Williams' activity so further charges weren't that surprising. He said the community never suspected Williams last fall when two women in the neighbourhood were sexually assaulted by a man who broke into their homes. Williams, 47, was charged with two counts of forcible confinement and two counts of break and enter and sexual assault in relation to those home invasions.

Further down the road, Ernestine Cole said though she was surprised to learn of Williams' arrest it has not shaken her feeling of safety. She said even the new charges "don't really impact" her because the police insist they have their suspect in custody.

"I find it hard to believe it's happening but, really, it hasn't affected me in any way," she said.

Brian O'Coin, who lives at the intersection of Sulphide Road and Cosy Cove Lane, said the small community often discusses the man who was living in their midst and are relieved to know he is no longer among them.

Their feelings toward him are generally worn on their sleeves, O'Coin said.

"We all hate him. We all feel the same," he said. "We're all up in arms about it. We'll probably never get over it."

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